my body turned to dust, blown by the passing wind to somewhere s couldn't find. my soul taken from me, locked away somewhere i couldn't reach. my eyes forever weeping, in blood as the pain i felt during the days of my life torn apart by the sins i committed. remembering every single day and playing a movie in my head, thinking of the pain i had felt and the sins i had made. killing those around me and making everything rot as it is in hell.
death comes before me and offered a helping hand. i accepted it without knowning the thruth that lies beneath my rotting corpse. time became endless as i lied inside my beloved coffin. soffocating as life unwillingly wanting to let go of me. my soul began to cry out in tears as my eyes bled for myself. crys could be heard but no one reached out to grab hold of me. the silences around me made my body chill, the emptiness i feel makes me weak. my strenght that i once have is merely a fading memory.
remember this day as the day i had lost what was given to me as a precious gift. remember this day as it is the day i given back that gift to the One who gave it to me. forever lost from this world. why have death forsaken me when i needed it most? why have i forsaken myself?