
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Untitled X

I lived in my own eternal darkness, wondering through life with beliefs I thought was just. As time passed by, my heart began to falter. Emptiness covered in despair slowly comforted by ailing heart. The smiles I shown represents the lies I tell to cover the hate and sorrow which has been tearing my spirit apart.

All I ask is to feel its essence. Give me hope for someday I will be able to show an honest smile before life becomes burden for me to carry. The further I walk the heavier my steps become because of the voices in my thoughts that have been telling me to stop. My eyes become darker and darker reflecting nothing but emptiness. Hope was lost becoming nothing more but a dream. While I am awake, I live in a nightmare. When I asleep, I live in a dream with no ends.

With just a word is enough for me. All I need is to believe. It has been said with patience comes everything but what has not be said was patience is not eternal.
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