Sides of living
Endless cycle, difference in appearance and yet some couldn’t care less. Everyone concerned in their own life, enjoying and suffering with one another or left alone to recreate their dreams and desires. Holding on to fulfill their wishes, some sacrifice their future for the beliefs they have complete faith on. Concerned minds feared for their future, ignoring their chances of excitements. Doubtful, they lingered in depression hoping to find satisfaction as for the ones who freed themselves from being life’s slaves, they willingly enjoy the finite time they have.
Lives carrying their own fate, ones unable to go on were heard by the world through their cries. Others not wanting pity lived on without any help. How simple one being can live with no knowledge of others around them. Believing only their eyes, endless callings for help silent by their ignorance. A task given to one, they focused and shun the world away. Smiles on their faces, frowns lost in their thoughts. Some slumbers while others awake facing the world with an eye. Consequences mean nothing when they are far away. For a moment, the future is empty, without thoughts on the past and future. Past flaws with guilt forgotten, lost forever and their meanings and purposes left to die within their hearts. The present is their purpose, nothing else. What could be done now is all that matters. Either to regret or to be relieve are concerns that comes later.
The beauty in such life condemned by the world. Ones having happiness only believe in such a way and yet a few hated it. When the end corners them; they fear. Purposes fulfilled, they face death as a friend with a smile of happiness having regrets locked away. Nothing matters anymore for them as long as they are able to smile. Anyone who cares for strangers will die having no heart that is whole. A choice for all to choose, how will one live? According to others of their own belief. How sad for someone to die not knowing what’s to be done.
How joyful for someone to either die with happiness fulfilled or sadness covering their eyes from the world where satisfaction resides.